All American MMA and BJJ New Beginnings! 5th Year Anniversary, Gym Renovations, Belt Promotions!
For All American MMA and BJJ this 2019 has been thus far a great year for us!
Many competitions, new members, belt promotions, new beginnings, gym renovations and lastly our belt promotions, last one held this last Sunday, August 25th, 2019.
The year did start out, very sad for us as whole, as we did loose a brother to us. Miles Ellis Rahimi also know as Coach SMILES. Unfortunately passed away in a car accident on January 29, 2019, left us but left allot for us. Many lessons, many memories, gone but absolutely never forgotten.

In February our kids competition team headed out California to compete as we do every year the KIDS IBJJF PANS Championship, held once a year.
All of our little fighters did a great job and we were very proud of each and everyone of them.

Since then, there have been numerous tournaments, lots of wins and lots lessons learned. Our gym has grown in big numbers and thus the All American Family has as well.
Recently Rocky headed our gym renovations with the help of allot family, friends and members of our gym. We are very blessed to count with each and everyone of them. Without everyone's help we would of never accomplished so much in such a small amount of time. For that and much more THANK YOU to each and everyone of you we are very great full to have you!
After the renovations we then recently celebrated our 5th Year Anniversary since our gym opened back on May 21st of 2014.

Thank you to our Proffesor and Coach Allen Mohler and all the friends and family from Mohler MMA that attended on this very special day and always as well! Thank You!
We have seen so many faces come and go since then, our gym went from one small suite, to then two suites due its growth and now to three suites due to our huge family acquired through these years.
We are very humbled and blessed for all our members and parents entrusting us with your educations in this sport. That is very rewarding but very challenging as well. We can only hope to keep it going and continue the growth. Thank you to all!

Here is a recap of some important events throughout this time.

Congratulations to our All American Wrestling team headed by your very one newly belted Black Belt Coach Travis Clark!! They had a great end of 2018 and a great new 2019!

Stay tuned as we are not done and plan on going no where!
More All American
Memories on the way!